Physiotherapists treat a wide variety of injuries from sports, daily activites (such as gardening) or work related RSI. Physios also treat post-operative orthopedic patients.
Musculoskeletal; lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder sprain, knee sprain, sciatica, muscle strains.
Repetitive strain injury; carpal tunnel, tendinitis, tennis and golfer’s elbow.
Postoperative; Total knee replacement, total hip replacement, ACL reconstruction, meniscus surgery (menisectomy) shoulder rotator cuff repair, ankle reconstruction.
Sports injuries; knee injuries (ACL, meniscal tears, MCL, patella dislocations and LCL strain), lower back strain, shoulder dislocations, rotator cuff tears, ankle sprains.
Post fracture; radial head, ankle fracture, wrist fracture.